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Writer's pictureAlexandre Chatelier

Do I Need a LinkedIn Optimization Service?

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Why is having a Linkedin profile important?

LinkedIn is a professional social networking platform hosting more than 800 million users in 2022. While used by recruiters and headhunters, it also represents a great platform for job seekers in their job search.

Indeed, in addition to its networking, information sharing and messaging features, LinkedIn has created and grown a job portal listing 15 million job openings across the world. In other words, it's a great platform to consider if you're actively looking for a job.

If you plan on using LinkedIn to network and seek professional opportunities, having a professional, updated and keyword-optimized LinkedIn profile is of crucial importance.

The importance of a complete and optimized LinkedIn profile

Man typing on laptop

Just like your CV and cover letter, your LinkedIn profile needs to be professional: clear, tidy, and optimized.

According to studies, your profile is 40 times more likely to get found if you put the effort and invest into crafting a complete and optimized LinkedIn profile.

What is a complete LinkedIn profile?

A complete LinkedIn profile provides the maximum amount of relevant information on how you wish to brand yourself.

In short, a complete LinkedIn profile presents:

  • A professional profile picture

  • A high-quality, impactful background image

  • An optimized headline

  • A short, impactful and attention-grabbing summary

  • A job title

  • A well-written and optimized experience section presenting your previous and current positions

  • A complete skills section

  • A solid set of endorsements and recommendations from your employers, colleagues, and other professionals you may have collaborated with

What constitutes an optimized LinkedIn profile?

There is no particular secret to an optimized LinkedIn profile: to maximize your chances of getting visibility on the platform, the minimum you need to aim for is a complete profile, where you put the effort into completing all the sections mentioned above.

To complete each section of your LinkedIn profile in the best possible way, you will have to contribute:

  • Solid writing skills to showcase your profile in the most attention-grabbing and eloquent possible manner

  • Keyword research for your industry and/or area of expertise: make sure you use the right jargon so algorithms used by LinkedIn can make your profile visible to headhunters and companies who might be seeking profiles like yours

  • Error and spelling mistake-free content: this is crucial if you want to be taken seriously and show your professionalism in the first place

If you feel you don't have the time, skills, or confidence to create an optimized LinkedIn profile, opting for LinkedIn profile writing services might be a good idea for you.

Do I need LinkedIn profile writing services?

LinkedIn login application

To create a professional LinkedIn profile, you'll need to invest time and effort, and provide high-quality written content to make sure the LinkedIn algorithms provide the highest possible visibility for you across the platform.

Here are 4 reasons why you may want to invest in LinkedIn profile writing services.

1. You're unfamiliar with Linkedin profile optimization

Although LinkedIn has been around for a while now (since 2013), not everyone is familiar with how the platform works. During a job search, the common reflex may be to send a tailored resume and professional cover letter on notorious job portals such as Indeed Job Search, Glassdoor Jobs or Monster Jobs. While quite user-friendly, LinkedIn uses a different approach: in most cases, candidates can apply to job openings directly on the platform, without having to send a resume and cover letter.

Indeed, a complete, optimized and professional Linkedin profile serves as a digital resume presenting your profile, education, experience, skills, and achievements.

If you're not familiar with ways to showcase the above elements of your profile in the best possible way, LinkedIn profile writers can certainly be of help, by not only contributing professional writing skills but also a deeper knowledge of steps for a LinkedIn optimization process.

An increasing number of companies now possess LinkedIn profiles, where they can showcase their products, services, and also teams. More and more recruiters from these companies also use LinkedIn as a platform to search for new talent and reach out to potential candidates for their openings. It is thus in your best interest to have a professional LinkedIn profile!

2. You need a LinkedIn makeover

You created your LinkedIn profile a while ago and need to update it? LinkedIn profile writers can help you with a LinkedIn profile makeover.

If you're open to work and new opportunities, you'll want to make sure your profile is up to date, providing information about your most recent projects, achievements, and overall experience. Updating your skills is also of crucial importance. If you haven't updated your LinkedIn profile in 5 years, for example, you will have surely developed new soft skills and hard skills which you'll be wanting to showcase.

A LinkedIn makeover performed by a LinkedIn profile writing service may represent an interesting investment if you need to update your profile but lack the time to do so while you're busy seeking professional opportunities. In addition, having your LinkedIn profile makeover done by a professional writer might help you obtain a fresh set of eyes on your experiences and add new, professionally-written content.

3. You don't have time

Worker and laptop

Another reason why many individuals opt for professional LinkedIn profile writing services is due to a lack of time. As previously mentioned, time is of the essence for job seekers who need a fast transition from one job to the next.

Just like a resume writer, a LinkedIn profile writer possesses the skills to create LinkedIn profiles or perform a LinkedIn makeover rapidly and efficiently.

4. You're unsure whether your resume and LinkedIn profile should present the same content

Notebook and pen

The processes of resume writing and LinkedIn profile writing are similar. However, your resume is typically shorter and provides more synthesized information than your LinkedIn profile does.

In your LinkedIn profile, you have the luxury of providing more details about specific projects you have worked on or the companies you've been working with for example.

Here are the main differences between a resume and a LinkedIn profile


LinkedIn Profile

  • ​Tailored to job descriptions, to be constantly adapted

  • One profile: not tailored to job descriptions but rather to your desired branding

  • Short and to the point

  • ​Longer format: your LinkedIn profile can present your entire career path

  • ​Keyword optimized

  • ​Keyword optimized: your job title, profile summary and skills, specifically, need to be optimized according to your branding and sought positions

  • ​Very formal

  • Less formal: LinkedIn profiles leave more space for creativity and informal writing styles in your headline and summary for example

  • Don't include photos (UK, US, Canada)

  • Photos are extremely important: make sure you have a professional profile picture and a high-quality background photo

Our LinkedIn profile writing service

Boost background

Our team of resume, cover letter and professional LinkedIn profile writers will help your LinkedIn profile maximize its visibility and impact on the platform.

When crafting a brand new LinkedIn profile or performing a LinkedIn profile makeover, our objective is three-fold:

  • Helping your LinkedIn profile gain visibility among recruiters and companies on LinkedIn

  • Making your professional LinkedIn profile stand out among other candidates seeking and applying for jobs on the platform

  • Ensuring your resume and LinkedIn profile are in synch, presenting your profile in alignment with your personal brand

  • Ultimately, we aim to create the best LinkedIn profile you can get

How our LinkedIn profile writing service works

Boost LinkedIn landing page

In addition to providing high-quality, optimised written content for your resume, cover letter and LinkedIn profile, our team sets a strong focus and attention to your professional career goals.

In order to understand your career path and objectives, our first meeting with clients constitutes an important part of our service process.

Here are the main steps of our LinkedIn profile writing service:

  1. (E)-meet with one of our writing consultants to share your objectives

  2. Receive the first draft of your new Linkedin profile or Linkedin profile makeover

  3. Provide us with the first round of feedback by email or over another (e)-meeting

  4. Provide us with temporary login details for your LinkedIn profile if you wish us to take care of inputting your information

  5. Your LinkedIn profile is all set and you're ready to apply for jobs!

Why opt for Boost as a LinkedIn profile writing service?

Founded a little over a year ago, Boost has helped 60+ international job seekers land interviews in jobs in various companies, from SMEs to large renowned corporations.

Here is a summary of our achievements in 2021-2022:

  • 60+ international candidates helped thus far in Europe and the Middle East

  • 94% interview rate

  • 90% hiring rate

  • Strong capacity to understand candidates' career plans, fields of work, related needs, and requirements

  • Industries worked on include: International Business, IT Engineering, Marketing, Data Science & Analytics, Technology and Operations, Political Science, Nanoscience, Work & Organizational Psychology, Payments & Services, Hospitality Management


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